How small we really are

How small we really are

Do you really know how small we really are? Just the other day I was pondering the omnipresence of God. To think that He is everywhere present, that is utterly mind-blowing. If our universe has an end, then picture in your mind (the best you can) one end of the universe to the other end of the universe in all directions, up down and sideways. This includes the approximate 200 billion galaxies. Okay, Got it? God is present equally throughout all that. Mind-blowing, right? Now, consider you and me. We can only be in one place at one time, and that is very limited.

I was also thinking about the omnipotence of God. He is all powerful. He created everything just by speaking it. Amazing! There are no limitations to His power. But how about each of us? We really have no power at all. I mean none.

The last thing I was thinking of is the omniscience of God. He knows everything. For me, I can't tell you exactly what is going to happen in one minute from now. I just don't have the ability. I'm sure you don't either. But God, wow, He knows literally everything.

So, if you take the omnipresence of God and the omnipotence as well as the omniscience of God you can't help but realize that God is awesome and seriously incredible. And, you can't help but realize how small we are.

As you travel through life, remember that God is God and we are not. He is the One who is to be worshiped, praised, trusted, and obeyed. He is the One we can count on, look up to, and enjoy. Nothing that we make or do can ever measure up to how mighty and wonderful the living God is.


  1. Nice link, I'll check out this more often. In comparison to our God, we know so little and are small. I love basking in the knowledge He knows all-

  2. What is also amazing is that a Being(Father God) with such power would desire to create a micro-being such as myself, to be in love with. I really can't understand that, what kind of Love is God's love? I have much to comprehend.


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